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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

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What Are The 5 Different Classes Of Fires?

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Fire safety set of different types of fire extinguishers (water, foam, dry powder, halon, carbon dioxide Each fire requires different types of extinguishers and safety procedures.

The Five Different Classifications Of Fires

A fire can be a dangerous and destructive force of nature. But fires aren't all the same, and each one requires different types of extinguishers and safety procedures to put it out. In this article, we'll discuss the five different classifications of fires: Class A, B, C, D and K. By understanding how each type of fireworks, you can better protect yourself from potential harm while preparing for the worst-case scenario.

Class A fires

As the name suggests, Class A fires are ordinary combustibles such as paper, cloth, wood, and rubber. These are the easiest to extinguish because they are the easiest to see and feel. They can be put out with water or CO2 fire extinguishers.

Class B fires

Class B fires are those that involve combustible materials other than wood, cloth, rubber, and plastics. Examples of Class B fires include:

  • Liquids that can form flammable mixtures with air or substances that produce toxic vapors when they burn.
  • Gases (other than carbon monoxide) that burn with a color equivalent to the flame produced by a candle of the same diameter in air under normal conditions. Some examples are propane and butane.
  • Flammable liquids that produce toxic fumes when burned (for example paint thinner).

Class C fires

A Class C fire is a combustible metal fire. This includes any type of electrical wiring and tools that use wires to start fires, such as soldering irons, arc welders and plasma cutters. The most common fuel for this type of fire is copper wire.

Class D fires

Class D fires are the most dangerous of all and the most difficult to extinguish. They include flammable metals and liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other corrosive liquids. Class D fires must be extinguished with Class D fire extinguishers, which are pressurized to a higher level than other types of fire extinguishers.

The reason these types of fires are so dangerous is because they can rapidly spread across a large surface area; they produce dense black smoke that reduces visibility. They react violently with water, and their vapors may cause suffocation or chemical burns if inhale. It can also be hard for fire fighters to access them due to their location, because they often occur inside enclosed spaces where there isn't enough oxygen available for breathing. And because of the nature of the ignition in Class D fires, these fires are extremely difficult to extinguish and must be treated with the utmost care. Always call in professionals for Class D fires!

Class K fires

Class K fires include: 

  • Electrical Equipment Fires
  • Fuel Gas Fires (including natural gas and propane)

In the end, it’s not about the fire itself. It’s about how you prepare for it. When you know the various classes of fires, you can better prepare yourself and others around you for any possibility. 

How Does Water Affect Building Materials?

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

Wooden floor damaged If your home has experienced water damage, SERVPRO is equipped to remediate any restoration need!

How Do Building Materials React to Water?

Water is one of the most dangerous elements to deal with in your home. It can cause damage on every level, from mold and mildew to rotting wood and even termites. Water can also be very destructive to many different building materials, such as wood, plaster, metal, and concrete. Fortunately, there are ways you can protect yourself from these issues.

Swelling Wood

If you've ever had to move a water-damaged piece of furniture and watched it crack, crumble, and fall apart as if there were some sort of zombie virus in the wood, you've experienced this phenomenon firsthand. Wood is porous and absorbs water, which can swell the fibers of the wood as well as cause small gaps between them. When this happens, the wood will shrink back to its original size when it dries out again; however, if too much moisture has been absorbed into a piece of furniture or other household item (especially from water lingering on one side), then it may be irreversibly damaged. As we all know from experience with dishes or clothing that have been soaked in the sink for too long: when you leave something wet for too long, mold growth will occur, and damage is irreversible.

Plaster and Drywall

The other two common building materials are plaster and drywall. Plaster is a very soft, malleable material that can be molded into any shape or form, then set. It's used as the finish coat in most homes and buildings to give them a smooth finish or texture. If water gets behind a wall of plaster, it can swell up quite a bit. However, if you act quickly by drying out the walls with fans and heaters attached to blowers (the same kind used for drying paint), it should be fine after some time passes — if there's no mold growth or damage from freezing temperatures while waiting for drying to occur.

Drywall is very similar to plaster except it doesn't have any give whatsoever: once you put drywall up on your walls, that's where it stays until you decide otherwise! The only way this type of material will crack apart during normal use is if there's too much moisture present within its structure.


You may have heard the expression, “Water and metal don’t mix.” While this isn’t exactly true, it does illustrate the point that metal can be damaged by water. There are three different ways that this can happen:

  • Cracking of the material due to expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes.
  • Corrosion, which is chemical degradation of a metal surface over time as it encounters oxygen and/or water molecules. This leads to rusting (oxidation), tarnishing (electrochemical corrosion), or pitting (galvanic corrosion).


Concrete is a great building material, but it’s also porous and can absorb water. If your concrete isn’t cured properly or if it isn’t protected from water, it can be damaged by water.


Brick is made of clay and sand. It absorbs water, which can cause bricks to fall out of place or crack when exposed to freezing temperatures. While brick can be dried out, it takes a long time — up to several weeks depending on the size of the area affected. If your brick becomes damaged due to exposure to moisture or freezing temperatures, you may need professional help removing and replacing it.

Water can damage many common building materials, but some can be saved

Water damage is a serious problem. Water can seep into your building materials, causing them to expand or contract and crack. This can cause a host of other problems, like mold growth and rotting wood.

The cost of repairing water damage can be high, with some estimates running as high as $5 per square foot. To avoid this expensive repair bill, you'll want to act quickly when you notice signs of water intrusion in your home or on your property.

If you think that your home or business has been damaged by water, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Downtown Las Vegas. We offer free quotes for all types of restoration services in Las Vegas.

While water damage can be a major problem for building materials and structures, it's important to remember that not all buildings are the same. Different materials react differently to water, so you'll need to know how they're affected before deciding on any course of action. In some cases, it might be possible to salvage your home or business after storm damage. 

How To Use a Fire Extinguisher?

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fire extinguisher instruction labels set. Instruction extinguisher and protection of fire with extinguisher illustration PASS fire method

Use of a Fire Extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is an important tool that every household or business should have. With the right kind of training and education, you can use it to fight fires and prevent them from spreading. A fire extinguisher has three main components: the cylinder (which holds the agent that puts out the fire), the handle (or trigger), and a nozzle for directing the agent at the flames. Here's how each part works.

1. Assess the situation: is it safe?

Before you can use a fire extinguisher, you need to make sure it's safe for you and others around you. This includes making sure that:

  • The fire is out of control. You should never try to put out a potentially dangerous fire unless there's absolutely no other option—if the situation requires immediate action, then get out of there! If you think it's safe enough to use an extinguisher, proceed as follows:

2. Pull the pin and aim the extinguisher

  • Pull the pin and aim the extinguisher
  • Pull the pin to release it from its mount. Aim at the base of the fire and squeeze the lever fully, aiming towards where you want to send foam or water. Sweep back and forth over the affected area

3. Squeeze the lever to release the extinguishing agent

Now that you have aimed and released the extinguishing agent, it is time to make sure that it does its job. To do this, use a continuous sweeping motion with the hose until you see no more flames or glowing embers. Make sure to aim at the base of any fires so that they are fully covered in foam. 

4. Sweep the nozzle from side to side

Sweeping the nozzle of a fire extinguisher back and forth will help you cover an area with foam, helping to put out flames. Never aim the nozzle at a person, pet, or object as it could damage them or cause injury. Be careful not to get any of the agent as yourself as it can be harmful to your skin. 

A fire extinguisher can help you fight fires, but only if you know how to use one properly.

In case of an emergency, the right fire extinguisher can mean the difference between life and death. But always remember, your safety and the safety of those around is always priority number one. In the case of a fire, here’s what to do:

  • Call 911 immediately. This is the most important step. Take note of how many people are in the room and if anyone needs medical help.
  • Make sure nobody else is going to put themselves at risk by trying to fight the fire on their own.
  • The next thing you need to do is make sure that everyone gets out safely, especially those who might be injured or have mobility issues like seniors or children who aren't able to escape by themselves easily (or at all). 

As you can see, it’s not that difficult to use a fire extinguisher. The most important thing is to take the time to assess the situation and make sure that it’s safe for you to approach the fire before you do anything else. Next, pull out the pin and aim your extinguisher at the flames. Then squeeze the lever so that it sprays out its contents onto any nearby combustibles. Finally, sweep across any areas where embers may remain after being extinguished by this method with another person helping if possible, so as not get burned again while doing so (especially important if using water).

3 Ways To Remove Smoke From Your Home After a Fire

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Thermal fogger Thermal foggers use heat and pressurization to stop harmful particulates in their tracks

Here Are Three Smoke Removal Equipment

After a fire, you want to eliminate all traces of it using effective smoke cleaning methods. Fire restoration professionals in Las Vegas, NV have mastered the art of smoke removal. Here are three common machines they use to restore your home to livable condition:

1.Air-Filtration Devices

After a fire, particulates may linger in the air that is undetectable to the eye but nonetheless cause damage. If these contaminants enter your HVAC system, they can circulate throughout your home. Air-filtration devices use filters to improve the quality of your breathing spaces. The most powerful machines filter the air in several stages to capture both large and small particles.

2.Ozone Machines

Ozone machines are an aggressive way to eliminate smoke damage. The type of air you breathe is known as dioxygen and is comprised of two oxygen molecules. Ozone machines release the more unstable trioxygen, which has three oxygen molecules. The trioxygen easily binds to pollution such as smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses to destroy the contaminants. This method can freshen your living space through smoke cleaning in a short amount of time.

3.Thermal Foggers

To remove heavy smoke odor, thermal foggers use heat and pressurization to stop harmful particulates in their tracks. The machine generates a dry fog by vaporizing and condensing a special fluid. The dry fog is released into the air and attaches to the porous odor chemicals to deodorize them. Thermal foggers are effective because the fog can reach anywhere that smoke does, including tiny cracks in the walls or floor.

After a fire, you want to repair your home as quickly as possible so you can return to a normal life. Restoration experts in Las Vegas, NV can access the damage and use a variety of smoke cleaning methods to get your property in top condition. Air filtration devices, ozone machines, and thermal foggers are three advanced technologies every professional should have on hand.

What To Know About Storm Damage and Flooding

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Office, boxes on the floor, flooded office A flooded office in Las Vegas, NV

Storm Damage and Flooding

It’s important to know that storm damage and flood damage are different things although both can affect your business. Here are a few things you may want to know about these types of damage.

1. Both Can Occur Multiple Ways

Both flooding and storm damage can occur a number of ways. Storms can bring high winds, heavy rain, hail, and freezing temperatures all of which can lead to damage. Flooding can be caused by a storm too, but can also occur from a pipe break, sewer backup or overflowing drainage. Understanding that these are two separate things will help you be prepared for these event to happen regardless of if the weather is stormy.

2. Both Should Be Handled Quickly

Both storm and flood damage should be handled quickly. This means removing the water so it can’t soak in, and thoroughly drying the area. It’s also important to make sure you know the source so that you can mitigate future problem. Fortunately, a restoration service can help.

3. A Restoration team Can Help

Contacting a local water damage restoration service is an important part of the repair process as these professionals are trained to deal with a variety of water damage types, including storm caused damages and flooding. They can access the damage, make repairs, and restore the property to pre-damage conditions. These professionals can also help with item cleaning, item storage during restoration, and may even be able to repair electronics and help back up important files. Many restoration professionals can also work directly with your insurance agent.

Remember that storm damage and flood damage are different things and business in Las Vegas, NV might be affected by one without the other, or both at the same time. Each type of damage can occur a number of ways and in both cases the damage should be repaired as quickly as possible. Fortunately a restoration service can help.

Causes for and Curing of Leaky Toilets

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Bottom of a toilet leaking A leaking toilet should not cause panic

Know What Causes The Problem And How To Fix IT

Sooner or later, a leaking toilet will plague one of your bathrooms in Downtown East, NV. Before yours begins oozing sewage, know what causes the problem and how to fix it.

Toilet Leak Causes
A bathroom leak may occur for any number of reasons, including:

  • A cracked tank or bowl
  • Rusty pipes
  • A worn flapper
  • Loose or worn out base seals
  • Faulty connectors
  • A maladjusted flush valve

Left untreated, toilet seepage can cause serious structural damage. If floor tile warps or sink cabinets endure discoloration, contact a residential water restoration specialist to get your restroom looking “Like it never even happened.”

Toilet Leak Fix Procedure
Toilets have been known to last more than 40 years with minimal care. Despite their dependability, faults still happen. The below information may help fix your leaking toilet.
Start by tightening the bolts that secure the toilet in place. Remove the caps covering the bolts with a putty knife or screwdriver and then tighten the nuts using a wrench. Keep your aggression in check, as excessive pressure may crack the base.
If the leak continues, try replacing the wax gasket. Turn off the valve and drain as much water as possible. Hold down the handle and remove the remaining liquid with a paper towel and disposable cup. Rock the toilet back and forth until the seal breaks. Remove the toilet and scrape off the old gasket. After loosening the screws used to secure the flange, insert the repair strap. Finally, place the new gasket on the ground and complete reinstallation.
Plumbers disagree on whether caulking should be applied to toilet bases. Some government buildings require it since caulking inhibits bacterial growth. Most abstain, as doing so obscures expanding leaks. If you elect to apply caulk, use one that is resistant to mildew.
A leaking toilet should not cause panic. With a bit of effort, yours will flush properly once more.

Fire Sprinklers Save Money and Lives

7/31/2022 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler Have your fire sprinkler ready in your Fremont Street, NV business.

Three Important Things To Know About Fire Sprinklers

No business in Fremont Street, NV, wants to deal with the destruction caused by fire. One of the best ways to minimize potential damage and associated expenses is to maintain a commercial fire sprinkler system. A sprinkler system is a highly effective fire suppression strategy that can prevent many significant losses.  

1. They're Activated by Heat, Not Smoke

A sprinkler system is not activated by smoke. Instead, the heat generated by fire rises to the ceiling, where the sprinkler heads are located. Sensors recognize the change in temperature and trigger the release of water. Only sprinklers in the area of the fire will be activated. It is possible that only a single sprinkler head will deploy.

2. They Use High-Pressure Water

The pipes that feed the fire sprinkler system are filled with pressurized water at all times. There will be no delay between the activation of the system and the release of water. The volume of water from even a single sprinkler can help contain a fire, which reduces fire and water damage to the rest of the structure. By the time the fire department arrives, the fire will likely not have spread further. It may even be extinguished by the sprinkler system.

3. They Can Minimize Cleanup After a Fire

Minimal fire sprinkler cleanup is another key advantage of a sprinkler system. While there will still be fire and water damage, it is likely to be much less extensive than what you'd find in a building without a sprinkler system. The fire damage should be limited to the area where sprinklers activated. The water damage from sprinklers is far less intrusive than water damage caused by fire hoses.

Any fire will cause structural and water damage. The primary benefit of a fire sprinkler system is that inevitable damage will be kept to a minimum, resulting in saved dollars and saved lives.

3 Important Flood Safety Tips

7/23/2022 (Permalink)

Flashlight, portable radio, batteries, water bottles and a first aid kit Make an emergency kit.

Flood Safety Tips

When there is severe weather in Showboat, NV, it is important to stay safe. If you wait until an emergency occurs, it may be too late, so you should make sure that you are prepared beforehand. Here is some flood safety advice that you should keep in mind when it is storming or flooding.

1. Make an Emergency Kit

If you know that there may be a storm in the area, you should gather a few things in case it becomes an emergency. It is possible that the power may go out, so always keep a flashlight and extra batteries in your kit. A radio can be helpful as well, so you can keep track of the weather. Always include canned foods and bottled water and store these in a safe location.

2. Avoid Flood Waters

When considering flood safety, it is a good idea to stay inside, as driving can be dangerous. If your home has more than one level, you should stay on the upper floors in case the waters enter the house. These waters are considered Category 3 or black water which means they are highly contaminated. You should avoid coming into contact with them and never consume any food or beverages that have been in the water.

3. Relocate if Necessary

While one of the most important safety tips is to avoid driving on a flooded road, there are some cases when you may need to evacuate your home. Ideally, this would be done before the streets become unsafe for travel. Keep updated with the news to determine if this is something that you will need to do.

During a storm, flood safety is an important thing to consider. Use these tips to ensure that you and your family are prepared for any emergencies. If your home is damaged during the disaster, contact an emergency restoration service to perform mitigation and repairs.

How To Clean up After a Water Heater Leak

7/18/2022 (Permalink)

closeup of a rusty and leaking water heater Never put off fixing a leaking water heater or cleaning up the mess left behind.

You probably rely on your water heater every day. For cooking and showering, this appliance is more than a convenience. However, it's also prone to causing problems, including flooding. A leaking water heater can send gallons upon gallons of water all over your floors, possibly affecting a variety of materials and items in your home. Knowing how to mitigate these challenges can save you a lot of time and money.

Take Care of Objects in the Area

If you don't discover a failed water heater as soon as it starts having problems, the damage may be too severe. As soon as you notice water leaking from this appliance, make sure you get all items out of the area. These include:

  • Carpet
  • Furniture
  • Electronics

Reduce the Risk of Shock or Electrocution
Everyone in Winchester, NV, knows that water and electricity don't mix. Before you start looking at the broken water heater, turn the power off in your home. If possible, work on the water heater without touching the water. Wear proper protective gear such as gloves and boots.

Extract the Water
It doesn't take long for a leaking water heater to leave a significant amount of water in your home. If the water covers a small area, you can gran a wet vacuum and remove the water on your own. However, if the water spreads throughout the area, you should contact a professional flood remediation company. The professionals have the right equipment and skills to do the job right.

Drying and Sanitizing
Removing the water isn't enough. To discourage the growth of mold and mildew, you need to make sure the ground, walls, and other nearby materials are completely dry. The pros will use fans and dehumidifiers to do this. The team will also use powerful chemicals to disinfect all places where there was water.
Never put off fixing a leaking water heater or cleaning up the mess left behind. Following these steps can ensure your safety.

How To Replace a Leaking Toilet

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Bottom of a toilet seeping water How do you know when it’s time to replace a leaking toilet?

How do you know when it’s time to replace a leaking toilet? If you see water stains on the floor around the base of your toilet, or if you experience an open-drain smell or a moving seat when you sit, you may need to replace the toilet.
This is a simple toilet repair, and anyone can do it. Local water damage restoration experts in Medical District, NV, recommend fixing water leaks promptly to prevent expensive repairs to your home’s floors and ceilings.

Five Steps To Replace a Toilet

You’ll need a few tools: a wrench, a putty knife, an old towel, a sponge and a bucket. Gather your tools, then follow these simple steps to replace your toilet.

1. Shut Off Water
Usually, there is a shut-off valve next to the leaking toilet. If not, there will be one in the basement.

2. Drain Water 
Flush the toilet to empty the bowl and the tank. There will be residual water in the tank; use a sponge to soak it up. Get the tank as dry as possible.

3. Remove Toilet
Closet bolts hold the toilet in place. They’re under those little plastic caps by the floor. Remove the covers, then remove the nuts from the closet bolts.
Rock the old toilet back and forth to break the seal underneath. Lift the leaking toilet up off the bolts and set it aside on your old towel.

4. Set New Seal and Toilet
Remove the old wax gasket from the flange (the metal ring around the drain), and scrape off as much of the residual wax as possible.
Place a new wax gasket down, centered on the flange. Set the new toilet on top of the gasket and press down. Replace the nuts on the closet bolts. Sit on the toilet and shift your weight to settle the toilet into the wax seal. Tighten the bolts again.

5. Reconnect Water Supply
Attach water supply line to new toilet, turn the water back on and test for leaks.

What You Should Know About Emergency Ready Profiles

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

The SERVPRO emergency ready profile An emergency ready profile (ERP) is a plan of action that details your facility’s key points.

Emergency Ready Profiles

Many businesses do not survive a disaster. Those that do survive most likely have a disaster preparedness plan in place. A key component of any disaster preparedness plan is the emergency profile. This profile contains crucial information that business owners and disaster mitigation experts can use to guide a business through a disaster and help ensure a smooth recovery.

1. What Is an Emergency Profile?
An emergency ready profile (ERP) is a plan of action that details your facility’s key points, such as water main and shut-off valve locations, power sources, priority areas, vulnerable areas, and contact information. It also identifies the chain of command and who authorizes cleanup and restoration work. Pertinent photos and diagrams are commonly included in the profile.

2. What Are the Advantages of Having an ERP?
Having an emergency profile speeds up the recovery process after a disaster. With the profile, the disaster mitigation team knows what has to be done and how it will be done and can begin work right away. The profile also instills trust and confidence among your clients, customers, suppliers, and employees if they know you are prepared and not likely to be shut down by a disaster.

3. What Is the Best Tool For Creating and Sharing Your Profile?
The ERP app, available for both ISO and Android devices, allows you to create, store, and share your emergency profile across platforms. Users can easily input and update information in the app, and that information can be instantly shared between business owners and members of the disaster mitigation team.
Business owners in Downtown, NV, can contact SERVPRO to arrange for an assessment by disaster mitigation and restoration professional. These folks can walk you through the process and give you peace of mind knowing your business can weather any disaster.

Having Your Furnace Inspected: 3 Scheduling Tips

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

furnace air filter replacement Replacing the filters before you turn on your HVAC unit is a wise idea.

Three Scheduling Tips for Having Your Furnace Inspected

When cold weather arrives in Las Vegas, NV, turning on your home's heater and feeling that rush of warmth can make you and your family feel safe and cozy. However, when you hit that switch and something does not sound or smell right, calling in a service that specializes in ductwork and fire cleaning can help you sort out the issue, and several clues could indicate when it is time to schedule an inspection. 

1. When the Heater Smells Strange 
When you turn on your heater and the emanating heat smells bitter, acrid or like smoke, then you may need your ducts and filters replaced. Replacing the filters before you turn on your HVAC unit for the fall is a wise idea, as they can collect pet hair, dust and dirt over the summer months. If you recently replaced your filters but the furnace still smells strange, then you may want to schedule an inspection. 

2. When You Hear Odd Noises
You are likely familiar with how your home's heater sounds as it moves through a cycle. Most units light, turn on, run until the room reaches the set temperature, then shut off. Popping, odd crackling sounds or unusual noises when the system lights or turns off may mean problems with the pilot light or the sensor. If smoke accompanies the sounds, then calling in a smoke cleaning service for an inspection may be a wise choice. 

3. When a Fire Cleaning Company Recommends Service 
Having your heater and ductwork cleaned by a fire restoration and smoke cleanup service twice a year can help prevent problems that may shorten your system's life. Schedule these cleanings when the company recommends them and add a reminder to your fall calendar to arrange an appointment before the cold weather sets in. 
When your Las Vegas, NV, home's furnace malfunctions, it can be a significant cause for worry. calling in a fire cleaning service for inspection and maintenance can give you peace of mind and warm your home and family safely, all winter long. 

5 Steps To Prepare Your Home for a Fire

5/26/2022 (Permalink)

Smoke surrounding a smoke alarm Test your smoke alarms regularly and replace batteries at a minimum of once per year.

Fire Preparation Measures

As a responsible homeowner, it remains your duty to deploy good fire preparation measures. The better you ready your family to handle a fiery crisis, the lower your odds of someone suffering harm. Here are five ways to make sure your household avoids injury during a blaze.

1. Install Smoke Alarms
Modern residences come with smoke alarms pre-installed, but many older structures lack them entirely. Check that there is one in each key location within your home in Downtown East, NV. Test them regularly and replace batteries at a minimum of once per year.

2. Educate Children
Children need specific instruction regarding what to do during a home fire. Gently explain the seriousness involved without causing fear. Make sure they know what fire alarms sound like and review the wisdom of stopping, dropping and rolling.

3. Plan Escape Routes
A big part of fire preparation involves making certain everyone knows how to exit during an emergency. Plan multiple ways of escaping from every room. Remind minors that it is okay to break glass when necessary to get out.

4. Establish Communications
Another important aspect of fire safety is making sure family members are accounted for. Designate a spot for your clan to gather after each person has found his or her way outside. Make certain your family is capable of easily texting one another.

4. Run Practice Drills
Reinforce what you have taught by rehearsing fire emergency procedures. Push your smoke alarm’s test button and instruct everyone to yell “fire” as they make their way outside. Test their ability to think quickly by creating unexpected obstacles. Once everyone is safe, your only worry should be fixing structural damage after the blaze has been extinguished.
During a fire, your family’s odds of reaching safety depend upon their readiness level. Take fire preparation duties seriously so that loved ones have the lowest possible chance of experiencing trauma.

3 Questions To Ask Your Commercial Mold Remediation Team

5/22/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growing all over a wall due to a water leak. Mold damage in Fremont Street, NV.

Commercial Mold Remediation

When mold invades your Fremont Street, NV, business, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Mold removal is not something you want to take lightly, especially when you have little to no experience in how to handle it. Calling in an experienced remediation and restoration team can give you peace of mind when it comes to ridding your commercial building of mold, and there are several questions you can ask about the process.

1. Do I Have Black Mold?
One of the most common types of fungi many business owners encounter is black mold, which can develop as quickly as 24 hours after a water event. This fungi gets its name from its dark green to black appearance and can appear on drywall and other building materials in affected, humid areas. Your remediation team can verify whether this is the type of mold that must be removed.

2. How Long Will Removal Take?
The timespan for mold removal may depend on a variety of factors, but the most important is usually the size of the mold growth and how far it has already spread. Depending on the severity of the invasion, it can take up to seven business days for the mold technicians to assess the situation, provide you with solutions and then completely remove the mold in a manner that is safe for everyone in the building.

3. Will I Have To Evacuate the Building?
Your mold remediation technicians will probably advise you about which safety measures to take, which may include sending your employees home or moving them to a safe space in which to work while the process takes place. Consider allowing your employees to work from home until it is safe for them to return so no stoppage is necessary.
Mold removal at your Fremont Street, NV, business does not have to disrupt the normal operation of your company when handled by professionals. Asking a few important questions can offer you peace of mind before, during and after the process.

Essential Elements of Commercial Fire Preparation

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Man holding a piece of wood that says Contingency Plan A contingency plan for a commercial fire should cover many aspects.

Commercial Fire Preparation

In 2020, fire departments in the U.S. responded to about three fires every minute. While many of these fires were small or dealt with residential properties, that still leaves a lot of commercial fires that impacted companies. These statistics alone should make the case that your business in Showboat, NV, should strongly consider a contingency plan. A well-thought-out plan can prevent injuries as well as reduce property damage.

The Evacuation Plan
One of the first priories during a fire is getting everyone to safety. Your company should make sure all employees and customers know where to go in case of a fire. This is usually a safe space outside of the building. Gathering everyone together is a quick way to ensure that all people are accounted for. This will help the fire department in case someone remains inside the building.

The Response Tools
As a true emergency, a fire calls for a fast response in many different areas. Having these vital tools in place with a complete contingency plan will help your company mitigate the damages from a fire:

  • Fire alarms
  • Fire extinguishers
  • A fire sprinkler system
  • A posting of fire department contacts
  • A posting of contacts for medical first responders
  • A first aid kit

Employees must know how to use these resources in a time of confusion and chaos. Fire safety drills are good tools that help employees better handle an emergency.

The Recovery Process
While a local fire restoration franchise cannot do much while a fire rages, it should be called soon afterward. A rapid response will minimize many types of damage, from water damage as a result of the fire department's efforts to weather damage in the case of a ruined roof system. Trained technicians will take appropriate and efficient action that speeds up the recovery process.
A contingency plan for a commercial fire should cover many aspects. Its purpose is to minimize or eliminate fire damage.

Why Choose SERVPRO for Your Business's Document Recovery

4/26/2022 (Permalink)

An office, cardboard boxes and folders on wet floor. Document restoration is just one of the many services SERVPRO can provide.

Document Restoration

When a flood at your office soaks or submerges vital documents, you need to undertake urgent document restoration measures. Fortunately, professional document drying and data preservation professionals from SERVPRO can safeguard your data to ensure you never worry about losing it again.

Urgent Cleaning

Taking action as soon as possible is the best way to ensure your water-damaged documents' recovery. Our 24-hour response service means we can get to the disaster scene in time to remove your papers and send them to our restoration facility, where they may undergo various disinfecting, cleaning and odor removal procedures. Among the methods we may use include:

  • Air drying
  • Dehumidification
  • Freeze drying
  • Vacuum freeze drying
  • Vacuum thermal drying

Depending on the type of documents we encounter, it may not be possible to restore your papers fully. However, we can often significantly improve their structural integrity and sanitize them to allow you to handle them safely.

Preventative Measures

SERVPRO document restoration professionals can undertake the digitalization of your documents and records to ensure you will never worry about losing your valuable data to a future disaster. Our team members take care to provide a thorough transfer of records that eliminates the need for costly and cumbersome physical storage solutions.

Thorough Tracking

Our team will update you at every stage of the document drying and restoration process so that you always know the status of your sensitive papers. Our goal is to maintain detailed process records and open communication with you and your representatives so that we can address your questions or concerns as soon as they arise.

Document Destruction

Whether your documents are unsalvageable or you no longer require hard copies of your data, you can count on our team to handle your papers' destruction with care and confidentiality on your premises.
Document restoration is just one of the many services SERVPRO can provide to help your business recover from a flood, fire, or another disaster in Winchester, NV.

2 Types of Commercial Generators and Their Life Expectancies

4/21/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial power generator The key to a long life expectancy and avoiding generator problems is to get the right one for your business.

Two Types of Commercial Generators

The lifespan of your generator for your business in Fremont Street, NV, depends on many things. One of these factors is the fuel that is used to power the machine. Here are the two most common types and their life expectancies.

1. Diesel Powered

A standard diesel generator can last anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 hours. To reach the higher end of this spectrum, you need to engage in regular preventative maintenance. You will find that adding a monthly examination will help you identify problems and take action. Typically, you will also change the oil, check the water levels, and replace your filters every year.
Additionally, if you want your machine to keep running while you wait on the storm cleanup crew, you should get the right size for your building. If it is too large, it can be plagued with wet stacking and carbon buildup. Too small, and you can put too much strain on the engine. Once you reach the end of its life, you should consider replacing it rather than going for an overhaul. This is because newer technology can produce a more efficient engine with a longer life expectancy.

2. Natural Gas Powered

Another type of generator that is growing in popularity is powered by natural gas. However, these operate at higher RPMs, meaning more wear and tear on the engine over time. Therefore, these tend to have shorter life expectancies. Typically, these can last around 3,000 hours in a commercial setting. This makes them good for businesses that are not in danger of losing power due to storms often.

The key to a long life expectancy and avoiding generator problems is to get the right one for your business. This means choosing between a machine powered by diesel or natural gas, picking the right size for your business, and using proper maintenance techniques to extend its life.

4 Tips To Avoid Mold in Your Restaurant

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

Moisture meter on a wall with mold growth It's important to keep your humidity levels in check.

Avoid Mold In Your Restaurant

Running a restaurant is ultimately all about the customer experience. Mold growth in your kitchen is one of the last things you’d want your customers to associate with your restaurant, yet it’s a surprisingly common issue in the restaurant industry. Follow these tips to avoid a mold outbreak in your Medical District, NV, restaurant.

1. Be Aware of Mold-Prone Areas

It’s no secret that mold needs moisture to grow and multiply, and you probably already know that moisture-prone spaces attract mold spores. A restaurant kitchen is, in general, an environment with notoriously high humidity levels. However, some areas of your kitchen are likely more attractive to mold than others. Areas to watch closely include any place that tends to be dark, warm, and prone to condensation buildup, such as behind refrigerators and coolers and under sinks.

2. Take Care of Your Ventilation System

A functioning, properly maintained ventilation system is critical to preventing mold growth in a restaurant kitchen. Your ventilation system circulates air through your kitchen and is your primary means to minimize moisture in the air and decrease humidity levels. Your ventilation system is also responsible for either introducing or preventing dust, dirt, and contaminants, which can encourage mold, from entering your kitchen. Be sure to keep up a regular maintenance schedule.

3. Monitor Humidity Levels

High humidity is a key factor in mold production, so it’s important to keep your humidity levels in check. Hygrometers, which measure humidity, are inexpensive and widely available. Aim for a reading of 30-50%.

4. Keep It Clean

Keeping your restaurant kitchen as clean as possible is the best way to prevent a mold outbreak. Clean high-traffic and high-moisture areas regularly, and don’t forget corners and hidden spaces where mold flourishes. Keep an eye out for any signs of water damage. If you suspect damage, be sure that professional restoration efforts begin as soon as possible before mold begins to colonize.
No one likes to picture mold when they think about their favorite restaurant. These tips can help you avoid mold growth in your restaurant kitchen.

After the Storm: What To Expect During the Restoration Process

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed to dry a home, there are air movers placed with plastic tubes to make air move around the area SERVPRO of Downtown Las Vegas is the best in the restoration business.

Storm Restoration Process

It can be difficult to comprehend the type of damage a violent storm can do to your Downtown, NV, home. Flooding, damaged building materials, and soaked furniture are just a few problems you may be dealing with in the wake of a storm. A professional flood damage company can help your home recover. Knowing what to expect during the process, from tear-out services to water drainage, may help you feel more confident about the outcome.

Storm Mitigation

When a powerful storm causes water damage to your home, it is important to contain the water. Preventing its spread can help reduce these future problems:

  • Rapid mold growth
  • Swelling and warping of wood
  • High humidity

When a storm damage service arrives, they will likely act to prevent floodwaters from spreading to dry areas. Rooms that contain electronic components, such as fuse boxes or thermostats, may be drained first to prevent long-term damage to these systems.

Water and Debris Drainage

A storm restoration service will probably bring in a variety of machinery to drain away flood water. When outdoor flooding invades your home, it may bring in not only water, but debris that includes dead leaves, mud, and garbage as well. Trash pumps and portable sump pumps can drain away this waste so your flood technicians can continue with tear-out services and other restoration actions.

Flood Cuts and Drywall Replacement

Because many building materials are porous, such as drywall, they can absorb and retain flood water. This can cause rotting and damage of interior wall components, including insulation. Your storm damage and restoration service techs may perform a flood cut into the drywall about a foot above the water line to assess such issues and to gauge what kind of repairs might be needed.

When violent storms impact Downtown, NV, it can be difficult to know what to expect once repairs begin. Learning about tear-out services and other restorative actions may help give you peace of mind about the future state of your home.

How Flooding Affects Furnaces

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

Furnace flood Flooding on a furnace in Las Vegas, NV.

The Effects of Flooding on Furnaces

Many large commercial buildings have packaged rooftop units with a gas or electric boiler or a chiller with a boiler for space heating. Smaller structures that rely on conventional gas or electric furnaces can sustain serious damage from a furnace flood. Find out how to avoid the worst consequences of water damage after a pipe burst near a furnace in a building located in Las Vegas, NV.

Increased Risk of Electrical Problems

A commercial building may have a gas or electric furnace. Furnaces powered by electricity contain several components that could malfunction after being exposed to water:

  • Contactor
  • Heating element
  • Sequencer
  • Transformer

If any of these components malfunctions on a flooded furnace, the unit could trip a fuse or even blow a breaker. It is important to shut off the power to a flooded electrical furnace unit to reduce fire risks.

Metal Components May Corrode

Corrosion on sensitive components such as the contactor in a furnace can cause a unit that runs on electrical power to cease to function. Corrosion is caused by a chemical reaction between the salts that occur in water and any type of metal. Iron components corrode more quickly than stainless steel. Noble metals are less reactive and prone to corrosion.

Ductwork Can Become Contaminated

After a furnace flood, residue from a unit powered by gas or oil can travel through outflow ducting and contaminate a structure. Under the worst circumstances, a furnace blowback can spread soot throughout a building. It is a good idea to arrange for air duct cleaning after any commercial furnace or heating unit suffers water damage.
A furnace flood has the potential to undermine the function of this crucial appliance and the safety of a structure. Shutting off the furnace and the circuit for an appliance powered by electricity can help to limit safety risks at a commercial building in Las Vegas, NV.

How Can a Fire End up Causing Water Problems?

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

Building on fire, firefighters putting out fire police is there. Fire and water damage in a building in Showboat, NV.

How Does a Fire Result in Water Issues?

When you think of a fire, you probably consider water as the fastest, most effective way to put it out. Indeed, the right amount of water can make quick work of a blaze and reduce the amount of fire damage that could occur in your Showboat, NV, office. But did you realize that while water is essential in fire suppression, it also can work against you? Because so much water is used to eliminate the flames, it's not uncommon for flooding and other related problems to ensue.

What Does It Hurt?

A fire in your place of business isn't something you want to think about ever happening. This disaster could cause harm and terrible damage in the workplace. While a fast-moving fire can quickly destroy parts of your building, water damage is often more gradual and even unnoticeable at first. Be aware of the following victims of flooding:

  • Electronic equipment, including computers, printers and servers
  • Furniture
  • Documents, photographs, x-rays, blueprints
  • Carpet
  • Drywall

Built-in Sprinklers

A fire sprinkler system can be a wise investment for any business. This can be the first response to a blaze in the workplace and may help to get the incident under control before the fire crew even arrives. If you want to reduce the risk of fire damage, make sure you have a system and that it is in top-notch condition. However, these devices unleash a significant amount of water as soon as they sense a certain amount of heat. The volume of water coming from these sprinklers can ruin your floors and various materials.


The fire crew is essential to putting out the blaze, but each fire hose will put out as much as 500 gallons of water each minute. This can inflict tremendous damage to your office. While you're relieved the firefighters can eliminate the fire, their actions may require that you get in touch with a professional water removal company to help restore your office space.
Fire damage can be bad enough but coupled with flooding, you face a big challenge. Make sure you call the pros to help you recover from these incidents.

What To Know About the Claims Inventory System

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Hands of a person an electronic inventory system A claims inventory system is designed to keep track of various types of data.

SERVPRO - Claims Inventory System

When it comes to keeping track of an insurance claim in Downtown East, NV, there can be a lot of details to remember. When your client is looking at water, fire, mold, or storm damage to their property, the restoration process can be complicated. Fortunately, the professional restoration service known as SERVPRO has a claims inventory system that can help. Here’s what you may want to know.

What the System Tracks

A claims inventory system is designed to keep track of various types of data. These include

  • Claims organized by loss type
  • Claims organized by damage type
  • Individual file reviews
  • Both regional and national company comparisons
  • Job file costs
  • Response times

Much of the data can also be organized by location, meaning that you can look up information by whether it falls under a regional, state or national category. In many cases, data can also be located by county.

How the System Works

As the team collects the information needed for the insurance claim, they upload it to their corporate database. This information typically includes both the original estimate and any updates to the information that may need to be made. As an insurance provider, you can then access this information through the management dashboard.

How It Can Benefit You

The dashboard allows the insurance agent to quickly access the facts they need to complete a claim. The ability to log in to the dashboard can help save time that might otherwise have been spent making phone calls, searching through paperwork, or seeking the right contact. This tool can also allow you to quickly look over the information needed to help answer any questions your client may have about their claim.

When processing an insurance claim, using the claims inventory system provided by SERVPRO may help. The restoration team collects the information needed for the claim and then uploads it to the database. This allows you to easily access the data needed to process your client's claim.

Choosing the Right Smoke Detector for Your Home

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Dual smoke detector A dual-sensor smoke alarm covers both bases effectively but may cost more.

On average, when a fire breaks out in a home in Winchester, NV, the residents have between two to four minutes to get out of the house before heat and smoke overtakes them. That isn’t even enough time to fry an egg. An early warning system is critical to keeping you safe, especially if a fire occurs while your family is sleeping. The best fire safety precaution you can get is a good quality smoke alarm. Do you know which type is best for your situation?

The Difference Between Smoke Detector Types

• Photoelectric type
• Ionization type
• Dual sensor detector
• Air-Sampling smoke detector

How To Choose the Best Unit for Your Home

A photoelectric alarm actually “sees” even the tiniest particles of smoke and triggers the alarm and is the best in the event you have a very smoky fire. This would do well in areas where there are likely to be bedding or piles of laundry. An ionization unit uses a radioactive element, which is disrupted when smoke particles enter the field, setting off the alarm. They work best when fires begin in fast burning sources like grease or paper, and might work best in a kitchen, shop or garage. A dual-sensor smoke alarm covers both bases effectively but may cost more. Using one of each type in close proximity can give the same benefits. An air-sampling model can sense smoke in the air at minute levels. This may be better for homes with large rooms or high ceilings. You don’t need to choose an expensive model, and it is just as important to get install long-lasting, reliable batteries.

While hearing a smoke alarm and getting out in time is the next best thing to having no fire, a blaze can get the advantage on you in a hurry. Calling restoration service technicians in Winchester, NV can help make putting your world back together a little easier. Choosing and installing your smoke alarms is a crucial part of surviving such an event.

Sluice, Don’t Fail Me Now

2/5/2022 (Permalink)

Constructed barrier - Dams Dams are another barrier to prevent high water levels.

Four Types of Water Control Systems

When moving your business to an area that deals with high water levels, it is essential to understand how that city goes about flood prevention. While you can purchase flood insurance and make emergency response plans, you shouldn’t have to worry that your city isn’t doing its fair share to protect you. There are mainly four types of water control systems used by cities all over the world, and it pays to understand how they work.

1. Dikes

One of the most common tools used to prevent and even stop flooding is a dike. Made of earth and rock, dikes resemble natural structures. This type of barrier originated in the Netherlands where most of the population lives below sea level.

2. Dams

Another barrier used to prevent high water levels; a dam is typically constructed of steel and concrete. These large man-made objects are used to control water levels and also to distribute water for activities, like consumption, industrialization, irrigation and much more.

3. Sluices

A sluice is a pressure-activated gate that is used to prevent flooding by essentially using controlled flooding techniques. When water levels are low, the gate remains sealed, but when the pressure increases the gate opens, allowing water levels to fall.

4. Locks

Water locks are used more in the transportation industry but are also a means of controlling water levels. There are two gates connected by a channel. The water level is higher behind one gate than the other. When necessary, the high-level gate opens flooding the channel, this is followed by a similar action by the low-level gate.

Granted, knowing how your city responds to flooding is useful, but when a flood happens, you will need to rely more on your own protective measures. Ensuring that you have flood insurance and a response plan from a disaster restoration specialist in the Fremont Street, NV, area are likely your best options.

Operating in an area with high water levels can be nerve-wracking. That’s why, while it is important to know your cities preparation plans, it is more important to have plans of your own.

How To Handle Water Damage in a Light Fixture

1/27/2022 (Permalink)

water coming out a light fixture Finding water in a light fixture in your home probably isn’t your favorite discovery.

Steps To Take When Your Light Fixture Floods

A water leak is not something anyone wants to have to deal with at home. The tell-tale dripping sound alerts you to a probable leak, but when you find water in a light fixture in your home, you still have to find out where the water came from. With a little investigation and a lot of help from water remediation experts, you can hopefully take care of the leak before it causes any further damage. Here are the first few steps you need to take when your light fixture floods.

1. Locate the Source

In order to get an idea of the ceiling damage repair required, you must find out where the water originates. There are several potential sources:

  • Broken pipe
  • Overflowing toilet
  • Leaky supply line

Each of these sources comes with its own unique repair criteria. A leaky supply line may need to be replaced before it does you any good to repair the ceiling where you found water in the light. A broken pipe will likely saturate the insulation between the floors and may affect the walls as well. An overflowing toilet means the water is contaminated and thus additional disinfection is necessary.

2. Turn off Water and Power

Before anyone approaches the light fixture, safety precautions must be taken. Shutting off the water stops the leak and helps to prevent further flooding. Turning off the breaker that feeds electricity to the light keeps the water from becoming charged.

3. Call the Professionals

A leak that affects two different floors is not a problem you want to try to resolve on your own. Restoration specialists in Medical District, NV, are trained and certified to remedy water damage in a thorough and efficient manner. By calling in the experts as soon as you notice the problem, you can avoid bigger issues and secondary damage.

Finding water in a light fixture in your home probably isn’t your favorite discovery. Quick action and professional help, however, can minimize the damage it causes.

Fire Restoration Professionals: Why You Should Call a Professional for Your Remediation Needs

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

Visible damage to a commercial building following a structure fire Commercial fire damage in Downtown, NV.

Fire Restoration Professionals

A commercial fire is often severely damaging for business owners, and the fire damage restoration process can be intimidating. Thankfully, you can enlist the help of a disaster restoration specialist in the Downtown, NV, area to take on the brunt of the work.

1. Availability

Most of these professional services offer 24 hour-a-day and seven-days-a-week availability, meaning that they are ready and willing to work whenever a disaster strikes your building. You can even call the company in the middle of the night during a holiday, and they can quickly be there to offer assistance in whatever way they can.

2. Assessment

Fire damage restoration experts will likely start by offering a free assessment of your property. They may walk the area, taking note of all structural damage and property loss, listening to your concerns, and offering an estimate of the work to be completed. Also, the individuals who provide the estimate will likely be the managers of your entire project.

3. Security

Beyond the initial assessment, most restoration companies offer tarping and board-up services to mitigate further loss and ensure the security of your facility. Some companies will even provide 24-hour surveillance, either in person or video. Whichever company you choose, make sure that the protection of your property is a priority because receiving your insurance coverage may depend on it.

4. Cleanup

While many of these companies advertise some expertise in water, fire and smoke cleanup, they may also be experts in several disciplines. Additionally, most companies can act as intermediaries between contractors, so you can rest assured that your business is cleaned, repaired and rebuilt with the least amount of stress as possible.

The fire damage restoration process can be grueling, but it doesn’t have to be your burden alone. Most restoration companies have excellent contractors in-house and have outstanding project managers as well. Reduce your stress and hire a skilled restoration team.

Bread Mold: The How, Why and Dangers of Food Mold

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on bread Bread mold typically occurs because of the age of the bread.

Bread Mold

Many homeowners are familiar with bread mold, the fuzzy blotches of green and black that seem to show up on your loaf of bread overnight. It is a frustrating conundrum, but common enough that people accept it and move on, but why does it happen and what are the potential risks?

1. How and Why Mold Forms on Bread

While fungus does not enjoy frigid temperatures, it is not unusual to find moldy food in cupboards, and there are instances of fridge mold as well. Mold enjoys cool, dark and damp spaces, and while a bread drawer may be a dry space, bread does have a somewhat moist consistency that suits mold well. Additionally, bread is filled with food for this type of organism.

2. Safety Precautions

While moldy bread is not the most dangerous substance, it should still be handled with care. Therefore, to protect yourself, you should follow four steps when discarding moldy food.

  1. Do not smell the food item.
  2. Seal the item and discard in a covered bin.
  3. Scrub and disinfect the storage area.
  4. Ensure that the mold did not spread.

3. Other Potential Mold Concerns

While moldy bread may just be moldy bread, it is possible that it is the result of a more substantial fungus growth problem. Truthfully, food mold is common and likely not the symptom of a more significant issue, but if you notice the spread of mold in addition to bread molding quickly, you may want to call a mold remediation specialist in Las Vegas, NV, area to inspect your property.

Bread mold typically occurs because of the age of the bread. While it may not be harmful in the long term it is a fungus, and you should handle it with care.


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